CLASSES Weigh-In Rules.
REPRESENTATIVES Please note the following Rules and Regulations for
your Event WEIGH-INS.
- The official weigh-ins may take place on two separate days or one. The day
before the event and or the day of the event.
- Participants of a bout must BOTH weigh-in on the same day and
during the scheduled weigh-in time.
- If weigh-ins are scheduled for 2 separate days, one fighter cannot weigh-in
on the first day and his/her opponent weigh-in on the following day. BOTH
must weigh-in on the SAME DAY!
- EVERY Fighter and Trainer has the right to witness their opponents
weigh-in, ALWAYS!
- Weigh-in time windows are to be no more then 2 hours in length.
- Fighters who miss this weigh-in "Time Window" will be scratched
from the event unless a valid explanation/reason is given to your ISCF Event Representative as to why they cannot make
the weigh-in window.
- The weigh-ins must be conducted by the ISCF
Event Representative ONLY at a place and time agreed upon by the ISCF Event Representative & the Event Promoter.
- Prior to the event weigh-in, the scales weight must be confirmed by the
ISCF Event Representative with the
placement of a 10 lb fixed weight (Provided by the event Promoter) to
assure its accuracy.
- All Fighters must weigh-in.
- Fighters cannot wear more than, Shorts, Shirt and Socks. (No pants,
jackets, shoes)
- Fighter must weigh-in at the weight agreed upon in matchmaking.
- There is NO 1-2 lb. allowance unless agreed upon prior to the weigh-in
date by the event matchmaker and BOTH fighters and trainers.
Promoter/Matchmaker must inform the ISCF
Event representative so that he/she is prepared that such an allowance will be
- Fighters in all title bouts must weigh-in within the noted weight limits of
the title. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WEIGHT ALLOWANCE for Title Bouts.
- Whether in the agreed upon weightclass or in a "Catch weight"
bout the fighters must be within the allowed spread as noted below on the ISCF weight chart.
- If a fighter needs to lose weight to make his/her weight, the most they can
lose in a 2 hour period is "2 LBS."
- This is when say a Lightweight fighter at 150 lbs and a Welterweight at
160 lbs fight.
- What you need to look at in this case is the most narrow weight spread,
which is always in the lower weight class of the two. For Lightweight, the
weight spread is 10 lbs where is as in the Welterweight class, it goes to a 15
lb spread. A fight can only happen inside the limits of the weightclass of the
lightest fighter. So for this example, (Lightweight at 150 lbs and a
Welterweight at 160 ) this would be OK as a catch weight. However if the
Lightweight fighter was 149 and the Welterweight at 160, that's 11 lbs, and it
would NOT be allowed. The same if it were a pound the other way, where the
Welterweight would weigh 161, again, out of the limits of the lower spread so no