November 12th, 2009, AT 8:20 PM/
Florida Amateur MMA
Facts Compared To What ISKA Is Telling You...
For the last year and a half Amateur MMA has been the talk in the State of Florida. First came the press release that stated that only the ISKA has been approved to sanction Amateur MMA in the state of Florida. However, back in September of this year, the ISCF was informed by Christa Patterson of the Florida Commission that this ruling was overturned. The new ruling is that this coming January, 2010, any and all Amateur MMA Sanctioning bodies can apply to be approved to sanction Amateur MMA in Florida. As of this time, despite what associates of the ISKA have been telling people,
NO Amateur MMA Sanctioning Body has been approved to sanction Amateur MMA in the State of Florida.
Despite knowing this, the ISKA has "Continued" to inform others as well as advertise to the public that they are the only Amateur MMA Sanctioning Body approved to sanction MMA. They are also claiming that they wrote the rules everyone else has to adhere to. Well, they may have "Submitted" some rules, but they were not the original author of the rules they submitted...
Regardless, John Morrison
(Right) the State Representative for the ISKA has been hosting seminars
throughout the State for Referees and Judges at $100 dollars a person and
telling people that if they want to sanction or work in the sport of Amateur MMA
they must get on board now and attend these seminars. We have been told by
numerous people that in the seminar, they are stating the all of the other
organizations do not follow the rules that they wrote and only the ISKA is an "Approved
Amateur Sanctioning body for Amateur MMA."
However AGAIN, the facts are: Until January, 2010, no Sanctioning Body is approved in the State of Florida until the State Athletic Commission reviews the rules of all of the sanctioning bodies. Then they will make their selection which could be one sanctioning body or several. For the sake of Amateur MMA in Florida, lets just hope they don't approve KICK International!
ISKA Making
Other Claims
Morrison and the ISKA has been telling Amateur MMA Promoters in Tennessee
this exact same scenario as noted above.
Morrison and the ISKA has been telling Amateur MMA Promoters in Georgia this
exact same scenario.
Sources informed us today that because the ISKA thinks
they have a monopoly in Georgia, their sanctioning fee in Georgia is $1,000.00.
We are trying to confirm if this is true or not.
What were you thinking John?!?!?!